- Anaphora - Anaphora is the anaphoric macro collection from Hell; it includes many new fiends in addition to old friends like AIF and AWHEN
- anaphoric-variants - anaphoric-variants gives access to anaphoric variants of operators through one macro: anaphoric
- cartesian-product-switch - cartesian-product-switch is a macro for choosing the appropriate form to execute according to the combined results of multiple tests
- cdr_assoc - A setf method for (cdr (assoc ...))
- cl-anonfun - cl-anonfun - anonymous function helpers for Common Lisp
- cl-groupby - Short implementation of Scalas groupBy functionality for Common Lisp
- cl-hash-util - cl-hash-util is a very basic library for dealing with CL's hash tables
- cl-interpol - CL-INTERPOL modifies the reader so that you can have interpolation of strings similar to Perl or Unix Shell scripts
- cl-pdf.arglists - cl-pdf.arglists improves the argument lists of CL-PDF and cl-typesetting, for easier interactive development
- cl-reexport - cl-reexport makes a package reexport symbols which are external symbols in other packages
- cl-syntax-sugar - cl-syntax-sugar is a convenience library of reader macros and of helper functions to create new syntax extensions and to use them with ASDF and Slime without enabling them in the global readtable
- clesh - Clesh is a library that makes it possible to embed
- clhs ASDF wrapper - This installation helper makes it even easier to install a copy of the CLHS locally
- com.google.base - The base package contains code that's highly likely to be useful in every Lisp application
- com.informatimago.common-lisp.interactive - informatimago interactive is a collection of Unix-like file browsing commands, and REPL-management tools
- curly - Curly is set of two reader macros for easy function currying and
- defclass* - defclass* is a convenience library to make the usage of defclass-like constructs easier (defcondition*, deflayer*, etc)
- defclass-std - A shortcut macro to write DEFCLASS forms quickly
- DEFINER - DEFINER is a small hack which demonstrates the power of CL macro facilities
- defstar - Defstar is a collection of Common Lisp macros that can be used in place of defun, defmethod, defgeneric, defvar, defparameter, flet, labels, let* and lambda
- demacs - Demacs is an extensible way of defining various things
- documentation-utils - This is a small library to help you with managing the docstrings for your library
- enhanced-eval-when - enhanced-eval-when provides an enhanced eval-when macro that supports (eval-when t ...) as a shorthand for (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ...), addressing concerns about verbosity
- enhanced-multiple-value-bind - enhanced-multiple-value-bind provides an enhanced multiple-value-bind macro that adds support for lambda list keywords by expanding to a multiple-value-call when necessary
- f-underscore - F-underscore is a convenience library to make writing lambdas shorter without having to resort to special syntax like arc's square brackets
- folio2 - A collection of small libraries: functional idioms and data structures in Common Lisp and a common set of APIs for them
- ia-hash-table - Indifferent access hash-tables for Common Lisp
- let-plus - LET+ extends let* with destructuring forms, slot access, hash table elements and various other constructs with a consistent interface
- lispc - A powerful macrolanguage for C
- literate-lisp - Provides some support for org files as Lisp source files, including ASDF interface
- macro-level - macro-level is an embarassingly trivial convenience macro that saves on indentation while being more concise and direct
- map-bind - map-bind is a macro that allows visual grouping of variables with their corresponding values (not necessarily 1:1) in calls to mapping operators when using an inline LAMBDA
- mccme-helpers - Yet another set of utilities functions
- mexpr - mexpr is an Infix syntax library
- Misc-Extensions - A convenience library containing a motley collection of macros and other extensions
- multiple-value-variants - multiple-value-variants gives access to multiple-value variants of operators through one macro: multiple-value
- Named multiple-values - Named-multiple-values is a piece of macrology that enables one to deal with
- outer-parentheses-free-repl - outer-parentheses-free-repl (OPFR) lets you input the outermost s-exp into your REPL without having to surround it with parentheses
- pathname-utils - This is a collection of common tests and operations to help handling pathnames
- persistent-variables - Persistent-variables is a convenience library that makes it easy to serialize and deserialize variables
- place-modifiers - place-modifiers essentially gives access to hundreds of modify-macros through one single macro: modify
- positional-lambda - positional-lambda is a concise, intuitive and flexible syntax (macro) for trivial lambdas that eschews explicit (and often contextually-redundant) naming of parameter variables in favor of positional references, with support for a used or ignored &rest parameter and automatic declaration of ignored parameters when logical "gaps" are left in the positional references
- read-macros - read-macros is a convenience library of useful read macros for CL
- simplified-types - Homepage: https://github.com/marcoheisig/simplified-types
- the - The THE package provides the THE* macro that takes name of some type and a form and wraps that form recursively into (THE ...)
- trivial-update - This is a little library that gives its user tools to easily change place with any supplied function
- type-r - The complete collection of accessor functions and patterns to access the elements in a compound type specifier
- X.LET-STAR - X LET-STAR is a convenience library not unlike bind, but smaller, extendible, nicely written and bug-free (hopefully :)
convenience library
Convenience libraries may make your code shorter to write, or may make it harder to read. Please read about The Great Macro Debate if you're considering using any of these libraries.